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Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan: Israel Defeated, Attempts to Draw US Into Gaza War as Hamas Gains Strength after Oct.7 attacks

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Anwarulhaq Baig 

NEW DELHI: Renowned scholar and Middle East affairs expert Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan has declared that Israel has lost the war and is now trying to involve the United States in the conflict, while Hamas has grown stronger and the global consensus has shifted against Israel following the October 7th attacks.

Speaking at a conference on the present scenario and future of Palestine at the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) headquarters, Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, President of the All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) and former Chairman of the Delhi Minority Commission, stated that a new scenario has emerged since October 7th, as who could have imagined before that the world would stand against Israel? “This was previously unthinkable. But today, the entire world stands against Israel. Even the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, recently stated that sanctions should be imposed on the Israeli government and Israeli ministers. The International Court has taken up a case against Israel. Today, the UN Human Rights Panel is against Israel. The International Court has ruled against the Gaza war and stated that the Israeli occupation since 1967 is wrong and should end. These statements were previously unimaginable. Before October 7th, no one could criticize Israel in Europe, but now there have been at least 15,000 demonstrations against Israel in Western countries. Latin America’s major countries, such as Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, and others, were among the first to stand against Israel. Several countries have severed their ties with Israel, and many have recalled their ambassadors. South Africa was the first to approach the International Court against Israel, followed by thirteen other countries that also requested inclusion.”

Referring to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, the Islamic scholar stated that all plots, schemes, and conspiracies against Palestine have failed. He emphasized that the era of the Balfour Declaration, through which Israel was created, has ended, and something new is about to emerge, as Israel is no longer receiving the same level of support as it did before. “This view is not only held by the global community but also by Israelis themselves. In Israel, there is a belief that no Jewish government has lasted more than 80 years, a historical perspective. Now, there is serious discussion in Israel about whether their government, established in 1948, will also last just a few years before reaching 80 years.”

Asserting that there is no doubt Israel has lost the war and is now trying to involve the United States in the conflict, the Middle East expert said, “While it is uncertain how long this war may continue, Israeli forces have retreated from Gaza and are only continuing airstrikes on Palestinians. Previously, when Israeli armored vehicles entered Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad members destroyed between ten and fourteen vehicles daily, and they have now reportedly destroyed nearly a thousand tanks.”

The AIMMM chief argued that regardless of how the war ends, now Israel’s main goal is to leverage U.S. military power to destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran. “However, the U.S. government has cleared that it will only engage in military action if Israel is directly attacked. Without a direct assault on Israeli territory, U.S. troops will not be deployed to support Israel. This stance reflects a clear demarcation made by the U.S., influenced by the global outrage and particularly upcoming presidential elections, which could be significantly affected by the current Gaza war. Additionally, the Gaza conflict has altered the political landscape in the U.S. Former President Donald Trump, once a strong candidate in the upcoming elections or might have won the poll, but due to Gaza, it has become al most impossible for him.”

Dr. Zafarul Islam has provided a detailed assessment of the current situation in Gaza, emphasizing Hamas’s strengthened position and capabilities. According to him, Hamas has firmly now established control over Gaza since 2006. Earlier, between 1967 and 2005, Israel maintained a significant presence in the Gaza strip, including its large number of settlements and a big Israeli city of Yamit. However, the Muslim leader noted that Hamas has successfully ousted all Israeli forces and settlements, leaving no Israelis within Gaza’s borders today. He further highlighted that Hamas has grown stronger, with Gaza’s factories now producing rockets and missiles capable of reaching Tel Aviv. The group operates an extensive network of tunnels, which is crucial to its infrastructure and operations.

The Islamic scholar described the daily reality of Hamas’s operations, with the group frequently launching rockets into Israel—sometimes as many as four or five. He also drew attention to the growing strength of Hezbollah, noting that its tunnel network is considered superior to Hamas’s because Gaza has been under continuous blockade since 2007.

Suggesting that Western powers are no longer able to control the situation in Gaza as they once did, the Expert on Palestine issue argued that the current conflict has dramatically altered the geopolitical landscape, predicting that Israel could face severe repercussions in the aftermath of a potential ceasefire. “I believe,” Dr. Khan, stated, “that Israel would disappear from the world map.”

Dr. Zafarul Islam pointed to October 7, 2023, when Hamas initiated attacks, as a turning point that reversed the strategic balance and nullified previous historical narratives.  contrasting the current scenario with the previous situation just before the  October 7 in which  most of the Arab countries were restoring their ties with Israel,  Dr. Zafarul Islam asserts, “now no Arab country will even attempt to make peace with Israel for a long time. Recently, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that if he makes peace with Israel, people would kill him. Because, the situation now  has completely changed.”

Despite the ongoing war, Dr. Khan noted that Gaza’s resistance remains robust. He highlighted that, with only an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 fighters from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and a total of about 50,000 combatants, Gaza has managed to withstand the efforts of what is purportedly the world’s fifth most powerful military of Israel, supported by numerous Western nations, including the United States. Dr. Khan also contrasted the current situation with past Arab-Israeli wars, pointing out that Arab forces typically could not sustain prolonged engagements with Israel due to external control by Britain and later the United States. He suggested that Gaza’s endurance, despite heavy casualties, marks a significant shift in the regional balance of power.

Speaking about the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Dr. Zafarul Islam mentioned that Arab countries sent their troops, but their commander-in-chief was an English General, Glubb Pasha, who declared that they should not advance beyond the partition plan imposed by Britain in the UN, which allocated 56% to Jews, though they were a minority, and 44% to Arabs, who were the majority. “Israel did not accept any restrictions. When the war ended, instead of 56%, Israel had occupied 78% of Palestine, leaving only 22% for the Arabs, which is now known as Gaza and the West Bank. Since Colonel Abdullah Atn of Jerusalem refused to follow Glubb Pasha’s orders, Jerusalem was saved; otherwise, it would have fallen to Israel at that time. Thus, East Jerusalem was saved from Israeli control from 1948 to 1967.”

Dr. Zafarul Islam cited the verse from Surah An-Nisa: “Why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and for those who, having been weak, are ill-treated and oppressed?” Applying this to current events, he said, “Today, everyone says that the people of Palestine and Gaza are weak and helpless, but in reality, they are not weak and helpless. They have been fighting for eleven months. The real weak and helpless are all other Muslims and those 58 Muslim countries in the OIC who are sitting idle as spectators. If even one of these countries had come to Gaza’s rescue, the outcome would have been different.”

The noted Indian Muslim leader continued by detailing the harsh realities emerging from Gaza, including severe attacks, thousands of martyrs, and millions of wounded. He highlighted that despite the ongoing blockade, Hamas remains active and resilient. The destruction in Gaza is extensive, with 70% of buildings demolished and around 400 mosques, along with one of the world’s oldest churches built 1,800 years ago, reduced to rubble.

Dr. Zafarul Islam noted that, despite this devastation, the people of Gaza have not lost their courage. According to his sources, which he claims are internal rather than from news reports, Hamas has not been weakened and can sustain its fight for an extended period. He mentioned that the group’s only significant vulnerability is the suffering of the civilian population, who face hunger, thirst, and disease. However, Hamas’s military strength remains intact, and many young people who were previously uninvolved have now joined the fight.

Dr. Zafarul Islam referred to Surah Al-Isra, verses 4-8, stating that Allah had granted the Israelites three opportunities. According to Surah Al-Isra, ‘Allah said He would send His servants to destroy them twice when they caused great corruption. If they continued their rebellion, He would send His servants to destroy them again, and they would enter the mosque as they had before.’

Historically, Nebuchadnezzar (597 BCE) destroyed Jewish rule in Palestine and took some as slaves. Later, they rebuilt their rule and faced the second destruction by Roman General Titus (70 CE), who destroyed Jerusalem and renamed it.

He said, “From 70 CE to 1918, the Israelites were away from Palestine, returning only after 1918. Allah warned that if they transgressed again, He would bring about their destruction once more. Given the recent atrocities in Gaza, the extensive bombing comparable to four Nagasaki bombs, and the extreme measures taken, it appears that they have transgressed once again. Thus, according to Allah’s promise, their destruction is imminent, as they have exceeded all limits of cruelty.”

Dr. Zafarul Islam shed light on the historical context of Palestine, highlighting aspects often overlooked by mainstream media. He emphasized that the establishment of Israel was not solely driven by Jewish aspirations but was also influenced by European perspectives. While Jews faced persecution in Europe, including Russia and Western Europe, there were already opportunities for them to settle peacefully within the Ottoman Empire. Prior to Israel’s establishment, Jewish communities were present in various Ottoman territories such as Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. Iraqi Jews, in particular, were among the wealthiest globally. Despite Israel’s attempts to encourage their relocation, including through bombings in Jewish neighborhoods and synagogues in Iraq, which were falsely attributed to Muslims, Iraqi Jews did not migrate. Similarly, Jews from India, particularly Kolkata and Mumbai, were known for their wealth and global business dealings.

The middle east expert noted that in Turkey, Jews in Salonica sought refuge in the Ottoman Empire when facing difficulties and were not subjected to problems there. He argued that the creation of the State of Israel was part of a broader Western strategy. Europeans had long considered Palestine a strategic area, dating back to the Crusades and Napoleon’s failed siege of Acre. Napoleon even encouraged European Jews to settle in Palestine as a bulwark for Western interests.

The Muslim leader explained that this Western mindset persisted, leading to the Balfour Declaration, which publicly supported the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. He pointed out that similar declarations were made by Germany, Austria, and France, reflecting a unified European policy. After World War I, Britain controlled Palestine and facilitated the establishment of Israel by supporting the formation of the Haganah, a private militia that later became the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), equipped with weapons and military resources provided by Britain.

“Following Israel’s establishment, Western Europe and the United States ensured that Israel remained powerful enough to deter any Arab country or coalition. This included denying arms to Arab nations, such as during the “cheque arms deal” when Egyptian President Nasser sought Soviet arms, which led to his estrangement from the West. Western policy aimed to prevent Arab and Muslim nations from acquiring the power to defeat Israel.”

Dr. Zafarul Islam identified the “Rejection Front,” including Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Libya, as targets for destabilization by Western powers. Evidence, including a telegram from then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, indicated that these countries were specifically targeted. Despite these efforts, some countries like Iraq, Syria, and Yemen continue to resist.

The Indian Muslim leader also discussed the emergence of new powers in the Middle East, such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Yemen’s Ansar Allah, which challenge Israel and were not anticipated by the West. He criticized the West’s attempts to impose agreements like the Abraham Accords, which aimed to normalize relations between Israel and Arab countries. He noted that while some Arab nations have accepted Israel, it has been through varying degrees of openness.

Regarding the Gaza airstrikes, Dr. Zafarul Islam pointed out that Hamas lacks sufficient anti-aircraft defenses to counter the extensive aerial bombardments, including advanced American-made aircraft like the F-35. However, he mentioned that Hamas has been effective in destroying Israeli tanks and armored vehicles, including the Merkava tanks.

The Islamic scholar dismissed conspiracy theories about the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, stating that Israel targeted Haniyeh with a guided missile while he was using his mobile phone. He argued that blaming Iran for such incidents is misplaced.

Dr. Zafarul Islam also rejected the idea of a two-state solution as a “flimsy slogan.” He recalled the Oslo Accords and argued that Israel and the U.S. never genuinely supported their implementation. He claimed that discussions of a two-state solution are often accompanied by conditions that prevent real Palestinian sovereignty or military power.

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